I am using Hugo to generate static sites for this blog. As I am on a Mac using Brew, I will be using it to install Hugo. If you are using a different OS you can follow installation instructions on https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/
Run following commands in your favourite terminal:
brew install hugo
hugo version
You should see output similar to this:
hugo version
hugo v0.83.1+extended darwin/arm64 BuildDate=unknown
Selecting a Theme
There are a lot of Themes to choose from. This blog will be using a theme called Jeffprod
Creating a Hugo site and applying theme
Execute following commands to create a new site and apply the selected theme:
hugo new site hugo-site
cd hugo-site
git clone https://github.com/Tazeg/hugo-blog-jeffprod.git themes/jeffprod
Modify config.toml
In your working directory (hugo-site), modify config.toml file and change baseURL, title and add theme:
baseURL = "http://advecti.io"
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "Hi, I'm Hugo running on Kubernetes in a single pod!"
theme = "jeffprod"
post = "/:year/:filename"
tag = "tags"
archive = "archives"
Create your post
Run following command to create a new post:
hugo new post/my-first-post.md
You can either edit the post in your terminal or use an editor, I am using Visual Studio Code at the moment as it lets you do a preview of your md file. Once you’re done editing your post, do not forget to change the value of draft to false, otherwise your post won’t be published.
Render your website
To see how your website will look run the following command:
hugo server
Browse to your preview
In your browser, go to http://localhost:1313/ to see your website.
Further changes to the config files
Depending on your Theme, you may want to adapt various configurations. In my case, I have changed the following files so far:
- In /themes/jeffprod/archetypes/post.md changed Author
- In /themes/jeffprod/layouts/partials/footer.html changed Twitter link to include @MrsBrookfield and removed other socials
Now that we have the local site created we can proceed with putting it in a container.