Now that we have Hugo site created locally, we need to put it in a container. You don’t have to use Docker as your container runtime but it still seems to be the most popular option so I’m going to stick to it.
Creating a Docker file
I have tried to write the Dockerfile from scratch, however it is still not working exactly how I want it to. I will keep working on it and once done, I will publish an update. In the meantime, we will use a Dockerfile that was used in this course on by Hart Hoover.
FROM alpine as HUGO
RUN apk add --update wget
# Install Hugo.
RUN wget --quiet${HUGO_VERSION}/hugo_${HUGO_VERSION}_Linux-64bit.tar.gz && \
tar -xf hugo_${HUGO_VERSION}_Linux-64bit.tar.gz && \
mv hugo /usr/local/bin/hugo && \
rm -rf hugo_${HUGO_VERSION}_Linux-64bit.tar.gz
COPY . /hugo-site
# Use Hugo to build the static site files.
RUN hugo -v --source=/hugo-site --destination=/hugo-site/public
FROM bitnami/nginx:latest
COPY --from=HUGO /hugo-site/public/ /opt/bitnami/nginx/html/
# The container will listen on port 8080 (non-privileged) using the TCP protocol.
Note that it is copying data from your current location, so make sure you are in the hugo-site folder we created in the previous step.
Save the Dockerfile in the same directory, you should see these folders and files:
katarinabrookfield@KatsMac hugo-site % ls
Dockerfile archetypes config.toml content data layouts resources static themes
Building a Docker image
Run folllowing command to create a Docker image and tag it with a name:
katarinabrookfield@KatsMac hugo-site % docker image build -t katbrookfield/hugo-site .
Please note katbrookfield is my Docker Hub ID, replace it with your own.
To verify that your container was created, run docker images command to list your images:
katarinabrookfield@KatsMac hugo-site % docker images
katbrookfield/hugo-site latest 8df5d8197c7b 2 minutes ago 89.3MB
Running the Docker image
To verify that the Docker image works as expected, we will start it and try to access the website:
katarinabrookfield@KatsMac hugo-site % docker run -d --rm --name hugo-site -p 8080:8080 katbrookfield/hugo-site
-d tells the container to run in the background
–rm removes container if it exists
–name specifies the name of the container
-p publishes ports to the host
To verify that the container is working properly browse to http://localhost:8080 and you should see your website.
Please note: You may see the following warning when you run the container but it will still run:
katarinabrookfield@KatsMac hugo-site % docker run -d --rm --name hugo-site -p 8080:8080 katbrookfield/hugo-site
WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
Stop the Docker container
Now that we know the container is working as expected, we can stop it. First list running containers and then stop your container ID:
katarinabrookfield@KatsMac hugo-site % docker ps
9004731daff6 katbrookfield/hugo-site "/opt/bitnami/script…" 7 minutes ago Up 7 minutes>8080/tcp, :::8080->8080/tcp, 8443/tcp hugo-site
katarinabrookfield@KatsMac hugo-site % docker stop 9004731daff6
Push Docker image to registry
We will now push the image to a Docker Hub registry by running the followind command:
katarinabrookfield@KatsMac hugo-site % docker image push katbrookfield/hugo-site
Using default tag: latest
The push refers to repository []
059a786de63e: Pushed
e5b3431038b5: Mounted from bitnami/nginx
036d035a7ddd: Mounted from bitnami/nginx
5f4995d1bfc6: Mounted from bitnami/nginx
eae9c44f5210: Mounted from bitnami/nginx
8af3324da74e: Mounted from bitnami/nginx
ca637de6423c: Mounted from bitnami/nginx
45f952449930: Mounted from bitnami/nginx
f09237220f6b: Mounted from bitnami/nginx
0045847e5b98: Mounted from bitnami/nginx
64fdb1176e87: Mounted from bitnami/nginx
1ad1d903ef1d: Layer already exists
latest: digest: sha256:92f94cc3399e0f068f1d9f0d76b3262d09328003ad425bda0376dbf55e02b0a3 size: 2826
Again, replace the Docker Hub ID with your own.
We now need a Kubernetes cluster to run this container on so that is what we are going to create next.